Saturday 10 May 2008

Wilson Trophy

Took a short walk this afternoon to the boating lake. Yachting teams from various countries are competeing for the Wilson Trophy,an annual event in the yachting calender.It is a lovely warm afternoon but not a lot of breeze about so no fast times will be recorded,however ,its more tactical racing rather than speed.Australia,Ireland,England,Canada and the USA are all represented .The main race day is Sunday,so if the weather keeps as it is ,it will attract a good crowd.

Friday 9 May 2008


Yes, the earth is warming up .I dont think it is all down to modern humakind,after all ,it is global warming that has ended the ICE AGE and there wasn't many of us around at that time to put the blame on.I agree we do need to take it easy on the earth's resorces as they can't supply us forever,but shouldnt we be able to discover newer ways of keeping ourselves going before total depletion sets in?
Another thought of why the earth is getting warmer is that if as a planet ,our orbit ,instead of being pefectly circular, is very slightly eliptical,then every so many thousands of years we get closer to the sun (global warming) and then we get further away(ice age).So at the present time we are very ,very slightly closer to the sun, so not a lot we could do about it i am afraid.
We are being told constantly about "Carbon Footprints" and other such jargon,I again dont believe all of it.If instead of European farmers growing masses of cereal crops to add to the grain mountain,or leaving fields fallow and all being subsidised,why dont they get subsidised for planting small forests? This would help to offset the massive deforsetation that has been going on in other countries,put more friendly gasses into the atmosphere plus supply timber and other by-products.
It appears to me to be a way of making people believe that they need to pay more tax on things so that they think they are helping save the planet.If the ordinary consumer cuts down on their energy supplies,it only means that the big corporations have more for themselves.


I am using this blogg to write down my thoughts and ideas as they come to me.

they will not be in any set order and will probably be added to as i go on.

Feel free to put your views across as i am sure a lot of people will disagree with what i write,but these are my thoughts and whether right or wrong ,they are open to discussion .

I hope not to offend anyone with what i write,but again please feel free to comment.

I am also not a literary genius, so please forgive any spelling and gramatical mistakes.